Monday, April 12, 2010

Diet and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a very painful condition that affects many people, but more often, is diagnosed in more women than men.  Fibromyalgia consists of pain in certain areas throughout the body.  There are 18 tender points that have been associated with this condition.  These are located in the head and neck area, shoulders, upper chest, outer elbows, hips and inner knees.  Most treatment for Fibromyalgia will be with medications such as pain relievers, antidepressants, physical therapy and counseling.  The most important aspect is self-care.

Can what you eat affect how you feel physically?  Actually, some believe it can.  Some Rheumatologists believe that certain foods can trigger or escalate
the pain of Fibromyalgia.  Foods like aspartame, MSG and nitrates, sugar, caffeine, yeast and gluten, dairy, and such plants as tomatoes, chili and bell peppers, potatoes and eggplant should be eliminated from the diet of one suffering from Fibromyalgia.  So, where does that leave the afflicted when it comes to choosing foods and nutritional guidelines?

It was discovered that some foods tend to help the condition by easing some of the pain.  These discoveries were compiled in a book entitled, "The Fibromyalgia Cookbook" that offers different substitutions and alternatives to the regular "run-of-the-mill" diet.

Living with any disease or debilitating condition can be difficult and any and everything you can find to help ease the suffering can go along way towards living life with a richer, deeper meaning.

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