Basically, what causes Sleep Apnea is partial closing of the airway as a person sleeps. This blocks their ability to get air because the muscles in the throat have relaxed and air cannot pass into the body. This can happen all night long and each episode can last from 10 seconds to a minute. With such a lack of oxygen, can you imagine how a person would feel with such little sleep and little breathing? Once the brain signals the body to breath, the person sucks in air loudly, hence, a loud snore will be heard. The person will experience daytime sleepiness and can even have periods of falling asleep and not being able to control it.
This disorder can be treated with what is known as a CPAP machine. This is a machine that blows air continuously into the airway so that it does not become obstructed. Sometimes a person will have to wear a chin strap to keep their mouth closed because they have an unconscious habit of breathing through their mouth. I have to wear one of these and it's probably the only time my mouth is shut! I like the ones that go around the ear because they stay in place. Some of them have a tendency to slide, but there are several very well made chin straps available.
Tubing, which connects to the machine, is kind of a universal type of connecting hose. One end on the machine, the other fits on the end of the mask. The mask is lined with a comfortable cushion foam and held in place with a molded silicon piece that fits the mask form. It takes some getting used to, but the benefits it brings makes it all worthwhile.

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