Did you ever get caught in the rain when it was windy and the wind just kinda grabbed your umbrella and just gave it just enought of a yank that it turned inside-out? That, to me, has been one of the most embarrassing things to happen to me in public. Not only that, but the battle to get it right sided quickly enough so I wouldn't get wet. Can anyone relate?
So one day I was shopping and I happen to see the Totes umbrella that claimed to be wind resistant. Ha! I thought. We'll just see. I bought it about, well, let's see, how long have I had this wonderful umbrella? I'd have to say 5 years maybe more. I've used it a lot since that first day and I can honestly say, I was wrong! This umbrella does not let the wind turn it. It's constructed in such a way that the wind can blow through a second layer of fabric, keeping the umbrella right-side-out. It's roomy, too, and at the time I bought it, I was quite a hefty size, but I never got wet! WOO HOO!
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