I know I've written about kettlebells before, but I have had some negative comments on another blog that I post. Comments like "they don't anything for me" or "they just don't work for me." My first thought to these responses is "They probably are using bad technique or just not using the proper weight." Could it be that some people are lazy and just don't want to sweat and work out? It is work. Dah why do they call it a work out if it isn't work? I ahve lost 40 pounds using these workouts. But I have been watching my diet, too. These two issues should go hand in hand.
I have several different kettlebell DVDs and have one on the way. I like to keep a nice selection so I don't get bored. That's another thing about exercise...it can get boring and then it seems to not work. If you lose interest in anything, it stops working, right?
One of my favorites is by Giam. I bought the whole kit and kaboodle. It even came with a 4 lb. bell which I didn't think would do anything since I'm using an 8 lb. bell. Boy was I wrong! This has 4 DVDs and I think it is my favorite so far. It's really hard to choose which one I like best because they all are effective.
For all they give you, it's well worth the price.
If you're just starting out, I would recommend this video. Gin Miller goes a little slower and shows front and side views of the moves and it's not as "dancey" as Giam's.
I wish they would put a short clip of each video so you could see what I mean. There is a website that does this and it makes it easier to decide which one you think you'd like better. But both of these videos are made with professionalism and integrity, something some of them are lacking.
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