The Untamed Shrew

I work in a hospital and for one doctor in particular who is ever running here and there and gets nowhere fast. You know the type: Dr. Important. So much to do, so many meetings to go to, so many people to see. Ha! Just this week she had me cancel a whole clinic till the end of the year, which isn't bad in itself if there were time slots to replace them! She didn't even know the name of this clinic to inform the responsible people to set up a replacement clinic on another day. Does the fact that she's blonde enter into this equation anywhere?! She rarely answers her pages. She never tells us when she leaves. She waits till the very last minute and informs me, "O, I'm not going to be here on such and such a date. Cancel all my appointments." Like Jason, I start to hear the word "kill" echo in my head! She has had me make folders labeled with various names and then she loses them. They are in her office somewhere. Talk about disorganized. She is the epitomy of disarray, disorganization, and discontent. If she had the time, or if I knew she'd take the time to read, I would recommend "Time Management for Unmanageable People." I'm seriously thinking of making this her birthday present. I thought of Christmas, but her birthday comes sooner! Lord, I need another job.
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