Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Training for Ministry Conference 2007, Grapevine Texas Audio Cd Set!
The Names of God --2008 publication.
What It Means to Be Born Again
These are just a few of the teachers that God sent my way when I first came to know His Son, Jesus. They taught me a lot about God I never knew, even though I was raised in church.
The Names of God --2008 publication.
What It Means to Be Born Again
These are just a few of the teachers that God sent my way when I first came to know His Son, Jesus. They taught me a lot about God I never knew, even though I was raised in church.
God relationship,
religious music
Angie Miller DVD Update
This is one of the best DVDs I own to date. It's tough, but it keeps you moving and sweating. Isn't that what weight loss is all about? I mean, it's the biggest part, besides watching what you eat, burning off calories is what makes weight loss happen. If you limit what you eat and burn more calories, you can't help but lose weight.
Seed, Time and Harvest
Genesis 8: 22 "As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease."
The saying "what goes around comes around" is a brief interpretation of this law of God. Truly you do reap what you sow. If you sow sparingly, you get very little in return. (2Cor. 9:6-9) If you sow in abundance, your harvest is in proportion to what measure you sow. "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life" (Gal. 6: 6-9).
What you reap is called fruit--good or bad. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-contol. (Gal. 5:22) The fruit of the sinful nature ends in death, both physically and spiritually.
Fruit has to be grown; it's a process. What kind of return do you want? If it is to know God, to be like Him, then sow the word of God in your life. You'll reap the fruit of the Spirit. It's the law! "The amount of thought or study you give to the truth you hear will be the measure of virtue and that comes back to you; and more will be given to you who hear.:" (Mark 4: 24 AMP)
Jesus said that every plant that His Father didn't plant would be pulled out by the roots. God is the Master Farmer! And He gets rid of weeds! Jesus also said we would know who was His by their fruit.
Many times we want to see quick results. We've become a fast-lane, fast-food society. We want it now and don't want to wait. One of the fruits of life is patience. This, too, takes time to grow. You see, the kingdom of God is like a man (there's another growth process) who sows or plants seed. If a farmer doesn't plant seed, he won't get a harvest. If he sows seeds of corn, he'll reap corn. It's a law--what you sow is what you get in return. Sow seed for what you want or need a harvest for. God doesn't sow our seed for us. He gives us seed. It's our responsibility to plant it.

time management,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
OOOOOOOOOO! I Can't Wait! I Can't Wait! I Can't Wait!
I've been thinking about ordering this for a few weeks and I kept looking at it and reading the reviews here and on another website and saw it was cheaper here, so I went and ordered it here. OOOOOOOOO! I can't wait to get this DVD. I love kettlebells! I have a lot of The Firm's workouts before DVD (yes, I'm that old!) and I know they are well done, well cued, well instructed and I know I'll just love this because it's with a kettlebell. Nothing beats a kettlebell workout and I've done just about all the workouts out there. This DVD comes with a 5 lb. kettlebell, but when a workout gets "easy", I just pick up a heavier kettlebell.
I'd like one of each color, please!
I'd like one of each color, please!
Russian Kettlebell,
The Firm,
Monday, April 26, 2010
We'll Cast Our Crowns Before Him
Some day soon, this world as we know it will cease to be. Jesus has promised to return to this earth, His earth, the one He created. First He is going to take out of this earth His born-again believers. Then later He will return with His army to overthrow the darkness that has invaded this earth.
Some of us will receive rewards or crowns
. We will lay these at His feet because He was the One Who made it possible for us to obtain them in the first place and I wouldn't feel deserving to wear something that He made possible.
Aside from the subject, I just realized that when I walk into a Christian book store to buy an album, they seem so competitive that I usually end up not buying any one of them unless they are on sale. Just looking at these two prices here makes me think about seriously looking here before I go into any store again. You can't find these prices in stores.
Some of us will receive rewards or crowns
Aside from the subject, I just realized that when I walk into a Christian book store to buy an album, they seem so competitive that I usually end up not buying any one of them unless they are on sale. Just looking at these two prices here makes me think about seriously looking here before I go into any store again. You can't find these prices in stores.
Casting Crowns,
religious music
It's Spring--It's Harley Season Again!
Boy, do I miss our Harley! Every time I see one, I just want to cry, but I had to give it up because I had to have complex lower back surgery a few years ago and I need surgery on my neck, plus I have degenerative disc disease and if I ever had an accident, I could really be in bad shape...or worse. So my husband sold it 2 years ago and I cried all day.
But now is the time of year he would get it out and clean it up and shine it up and get it ready to go. We didn't ride too much in the winter. I got too cold even with layers of thermals, etc. I just couldn't handle it. I know some of you can relate. But he took good care of his baby. We rode to all the dealers and collected pins from everywhere we'd been. I put them on my denim jacket, added the Harley rose and a few other things and still wear it. My husband must have every tee shirt they made! It was our weekend "thing." Riding in the evening was so nice when the stars were out. I'd lean back and just look up at all the stars in awe.
Then the next weekend, we'd do it all again.
Did you notice that HD items here at Amazon are lower priced than in the HD stores? Why pay more?
But now is the time of year he would get it out and clean it up and shine it up and get it ready to go. We didn't ride too much in the winter. I got too cold even with layers of thermals, etc. I just couldn't handle it. I know some of you can relate. But he took good care of his baby. We rode to all the dealers and collected pins from everywhere we'd been. I put them on my denim jacket, added the Harley rose and a few other things and still wear it. My husband must have every tee shirt they made! It was our weekend "thing." Riding in the evening was so nice when the stars were out. I'd lean back and just look up at all the stars in awe.
Then the next weekend, we'd do it all again.
Did you notice that HD items here at Amazon are lower priced than in the HD stores? Why pay more?
Harley Davidson,
parts and accessories,
When I bought my new car in 2008, the deal included a GPS navigation system said to be worth $400. I didn't think I'd ever use it, but I bought the car because of the car, not the extras, but the safety record. To be honest, I'm not even sure what type of system is it as my husband never took the time to install it for me, but it's probably like this one or close to it. The car has a place to set the system and then it folds down out of sight when it's not being used. I wish he'd install it, but by the time he does, I'll know how to read a map! Hee! Hee!
Prices sure have come down! Search for gps navigation
Prices sure have come down! Search for gps navigation
GPS systems,
Magellan Maestro,
Friday, April 23, 2010
Got Dry Skin?
Search for goat milk soap
When I first heard about Goat Milk soap, I had no idea what my sister-in-law was talking about. She said it's all she ever uses on her skin because it's so moisturizing and it leaves your skin feeling softened and not tight. A few weeks later she gave me a cake of it to try. Well, it only took one use to see what she meant. I used it with a bath brush with those soft bristles--not the cheap plastic ones. Wow! What a difference. I use it mostly in the winter, but a lot through the year to keep my skin soft. Let's fact it, at 63, I need all the help I can get!
This lotion is one of the best I've found for year-round moisturizing. Nice purse size.
When I first heard about Goat Milk soap, I had no idea what my sister-in-law was talking about. She said it's all she ever uses on her skin because it's so moisturizing and it leaves your skin feeling softened and not tight. A few weeks later she gave me a cake of it to try. Well, it only took one use to see what she meant. I used it with a bath brush with those soft bristles--not the cheap plastic ones. Wow! What a difference. I use it mostly in the winter, but a lot through the year to keep my skin soft. Let's fact it, at 63, I need all the help I can get!
This lotion is one of the best I've found for year-round moisturizing. Nice purse size.
Canus Vermont,
goat milk soap,
Russian Kettlebells
I know I've talked about this subject before, but I just can't say enought about Russian Kettlebell workouts. I truly believe I've become addicted to them. I've worked out with them 5 times this week and here it is Friday afternoon and I can't wait to get home to get swingin'! My next workout purchase is going to be The Extreme Kettlebell Workout or may the Russian KB Challenge. I can't decide. Maybe I'll get both!
They don't have a pic of the other one, but I do know it's a little cheaper than this one. Kettlebells give the advantage of cardio, strengthening and conditioning all in one workout, so you don't really have to work longer, just smarter!
They don't have a pic of the other one, but I do know it's a little cheaper than this one. Kettlebells give the advantage of cardio, strengthening and conditioning all in one workout, so you don't really have to work longer, just smarter!
Pavel Tsatsouline,
Russian Kettlebell,
small wonder,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ask When You Call
When you call a company who has given you unfavorable service and you think you may run into trouble on the phone with them, when they answer, make sure to ask if they are recording the conversation. This is very important as there are state and federal laws that prohibit taping conversations without your consent. There is an exception and that is when you call a recording comes on and tells you that the call may be monitored for customer service improvement or training purposes. Even then, you can request not to be recorded.
But this works both ways. The consumer has a right to protect him/herself from fraud and scam companies they may inadvertantly or unknowingly become engaged with. So you can "cheat them at their own game". I guess you still have to let them know that they are the ones being recorded. Maybe if more companies knew they were being recorded, we'd all get better customer service!
But this works both ways. The consumer has a right to protect him/herself from fraud and scam companies they may inadvertantly or unknowingly become engaged with. So you can "cheat them at their own game". I guess you still have to let them know that they are the ones being recorded. Maybe if more companies knew they were being recorded, we'd all get better customer service!
Monday, April 19, 2010
It Just Keeps Getting Better!
Just when I thought I'd gotten the best kettlebell workout possible, I ordered Kettlebell Bootcamp by Angie Miller. It just keeps getting better and better. There are 8 workouts on this DVD. I haven't done them all yet, but I've gotten up to 5! And they are tough, but FUN. Exercise used to be just down-right boring to me. All those repetitous ups and downs, side to sides, over and over again. No wonder I have so many videos of so many different types of workouts. I just couldn't find the "right" one for me. Now I have and I just can't say enough good stuff about kettlebells.
angie miller,
small wonder,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
What the Heck is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep Apnea was first described in 1965 as being characterized by interruptions of breathing while the sufferer sleeps. Sleep Apnea is as common as diabetes but many people just aren't aware of this disorder. It can become life-threatening and have long-term effects on a person's health.
Basically, what causes Sleep Apnea is partial closing of the airway as a person sleeps. This blocks their ability to get air because the muscles in the throat have relaxed and air cannot pass into the body. This can happen all night long and each episode can last from 10 seconds to a minute. With such a lack of oxygen, can you imagine how a person would feel with such little sleep and little breathing? Once the brain signals the body to breath, the person sucks in air loudly, hence, a loud snore will be heard. The person will experience daytime sleepiness and can even have periods of falling asleep and not being able to control it.
This disorder can be treated with what is known as a CPAP machine. This is a machine that blows air continuously into the airway so that it does not become obstructed. Sometimes a person will have to wear a chin strap to keep their mouth closed because they have an unconscious habit of breathing through their mouth. I have to wear one of these and it's probably the only time my mouth is shut! I like the ones that go around the ear because they stay in place. Some of them have a tendency to slide, but there are several very well made chin straps available.
Tubing, which connects to the machine, is kind of a universal type of connecting hose. One end on the machine, the other fits on the end of the mask. The mask is lined with a comfortable cushion foam and held in place with a molded silicon piece that fits the mask form. It takes some getting used to, but the benefits it brings makes it all worthwhile.
Basically, what causes Sleep Apnea is partial closing of the airway as a person sleeps. This blocks their ability to get air because the muscles in the throat have relaxed and air cannot pass into the body. This can happen all night long and each episode can last from 10 seconds to a minute. With such a lack of oxygen, can you imagine how a person would feel with such little sleep and little breathing? Once the brain signals the body to breath, the person sucks in air loudly, hence, a loud snore will be heard. The person will experience daytime sleepiness and can even have periods of falling asleep and not being able to control it.
This disorder can be treated with what is known as a CPAP machine. This is a machine that blows air continuously into the airway so that it does not become obstructed. Sometimes a person will have to wear a chin strap to keep their mouth closed because they have an unconscious habit of breathing through their mouth. I have to wear one of these and it's probably the only time my mouth is shut! I like the ones that go around the ear because they stay in place. Some of them have a tendency to slide, but there are several very well made chin straps available.
Tubing, which connects to the machine, is kind of a universal type of connecting hose. One end on the machine, the other fits on the end of the mask. The mask is lined with a comfortable cushion foam and held in place with a molded silicon piece that fits the mask form. It takes some getting used to, but the benefits it brings makes it all worthwhile.

sleep apnea,
sleep disorder,
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sarah Lurie
Wow! I just finished this workout by Sarah Lurie. I just bought a 10 lb. kettlebell. I was using an 8 lb. but it was sand filled or whatever they use and the handle was wider than a Russian kettlebell, so I decided to take the plunge. I bought a 10 lb. Russian kettlebell.
This is a circut-type workout of three sets of each exercise but it is designed to be able to mix and match. I haven't tried that yet. I'm still sweating from the first workout! I love these little bells. They give you a cardio workout, strengthening and conditioning all in one workout in less time than any other type of workout I've ever done. Excuse me, now, I must go lie down!!
This is a circut-type workout of three sets of each exercise but it is designed to be able to mix and match. I haven't tried that yet. I'm still sweating from the first workout! I love these little bells. They give you a cardio workout, strengthening and conditioning all in one workout in less time than any other type of workout I've ever done. Excuse me, now, I must go lie down!!
iron core,
small wonder
Did you ever get caught in the rain when it was windy and the wind just kinda grabbed your umbrella and just gave it just enought of a yank that it turned inside-out? That, to me, has been one of the most embarrassing things to happen to me in public. Not only that, but the battle to get it right sided quickly enough so I wouldn't get wet. Can anyone relate?
So one day I was shopping and I happen to see the Totes umbrella that claimed to be wind resistant. Ha! I thought. We'll just see. I bought it about, well, let's see, how long have I had this wonderful umbrella? I'd have to say 5 years maybe more. I've used it a lot since that first day and I can honestly say, I was wrong! This umbrella does not let the wind turn it. It's constructed in such a way that the wind can blow through a second layer of fabric, keeping the umbrella right-side-out. It's roomy, too, and at the time I bought it, I was quite a hefty size, but I never got wet! WOO HOO!
So one day I was shopping and I happen to see the Totes umbrella that claimed to be wind resistant. Ha! I thought. We'll just see. I bought it about, well, let's see, how long have I had this wonderful umbrella? I'd have to say 5 years maybe more. I've used it a lot since that first day and I can honestly say, I was wrong! This umbrella does not let the wind turn it. It's constructed in such a way that the wind can blow through a second layer of fabric, keeping the umbrella right-side-out. It's roomy, too, and at the time I bought it, I was quite a hefty size, but I never got wet! WOO HOO!
My Defense of Kettlebells
I know I've written about kettlebells before, but I have had some negative comments on another blog that I post. Comments like "they don't anything for me" or "they just don't work for me." My first thought to these responses is "They probably are using bad technique or just not using the proper weight." Could it be that some people are lazy and just don't want to sweat and work out? It is work. Dah why do they call it a work out if it isn't work? I ahve lost 40 pounds using these workouts. But I have been watching my diet, too. These two issues should go hand in hand.
I have several different kettlebell DVDs and have one on the way. I like to keep a nice selection so I don't get bored. That's another thing about can get boring and then it seems to not work. If you lose interest in anything, it stops working, right?
One of my favorites is by Giam. I bought the whole kit and kaboodle. It even came with a 4 lb. bell which I didn't think would do anything since I'm using an 8 lb. bell. Boy was I wrong! This has 4 DVDs and I think it is my favorite so far. It's really hard to choose which one I like best because they all are effective.
For all they give you, it's well worth the price.
If you're just starting out, I would recommend this video. Gin Miller goes a little slower and shows front and side views of the moves and it's not as "dancey" as Giam's.
I wish they would put a short clip of each video so you could see what I mean. There is a website that does this and it makes it easier to decide which one you think you'd like better. But both of these videos are made with professionalism and integrity, something some of them are lacking.
Gin MIller,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Lights, Camera, Action!
Search for movie stars
Search for digital photography
; Search for photography lighting kits
I often wondered what all went into making a movie or a film. Hey, I just have a simple RCA camcorder called the Small Wonder. It's good enough for me. I don't want all that fancy stuff that takes forever to figure out, adjust, set, measure lighting, distance and whatever else goes into it. I made a video of my cat talking to me about me giving her treats and it's one of the best memories I've have when she's gone. What I
like about it is you can record for a long time and copy it to your computer and burn a cd or a dvd right in your own home for just the cost of the disc. Easy. I get too confused with that fancy stuff. Plus it's a lot cheaper and easier to use. Just aim and shoot. What could be nicer than that. And you can play it back right away.
This 3rd one is the one I have. You can flip it out and record your own self, too! How 'bout that!
I often wondered what all went into making a movie or a film. Hey, I just have a simple RCA camcorder called the Small Wonder. It's good enough for me. I don't want all that fancy stuff that takes forever to figure out, adjust, set, measure lighting, distance and whatever else goes into it. I made a video of my cat talking to me about me giving her treats and it's one of the best memories I've have when she's gone. What I
like about it is you can record for a long time and copy it to your computer and burn a cd or a dvd right in your own home for just the cost of the disc. Easy. I get too confused with that fancy stuff. Plus it's a lot cheaper and easier to use. Just aim and shoot. What could be nicer than that. And you can play it back right away.
This 3rd one is the one I have. You can flip it out and record your own self, too! How 'bout that!
The Untamed Shrew
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Neil Diamond has long been one of my all-time favorite singers. Even when I was a teenager and he was just getting started, I liked him. He has matured over the years and mellowed into a singer who sings from experience and isn't afraid to sing about the things in life that hurt. Morningside is such a song. It is so sad to hear about a father who made a table with his own hands, carved it and inscribed it for his children and when he died, no one wanted it. Like a lot of Neil's songs, the lyrics often touch my heart and stir memories or something inside that I can relate to. Like his song, Brooklyn Roads, Iam, I said, and Red, Red Wine. Good singing.
greatest hits,
Neil Diamond,
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Temperament theory is nothing new. It has its origin in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, but it was the Greek physician Hippocrates who developed a system and theory for medical purposes. He believed that certain moods were caused by body fluids, i.e. blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm. This theory was later extended and encompassed emotional aspects, mental capacity, moral attitude, self-awareness, movements and dreams. These early developments have left a long trail of researchinto human behavior focused on temperament and personality. From the beginning, it was apparent that certain temperaments all had certain traits in common.
What is temperament? It's a person's way of responding to the world. Aspects of personality at birth are believed to be result of genetic influence. Temperament refers to our inborn, God given personality traits, which are genetic in nature. The different ways infants interact with and react to their environment and experiences are reflective of their temperament or behavioral style. While it has been thought that temperaments are genetically determined, personalities as a whole are a combination of temperaments and experiences that shape and influence a person's development.
There are four main temperaments:
1. Sanguine: This temperament is fairly extroverted. People with this temperament tend to enjoy social gatherings and making friends. They tend to be creative and often day dream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguines can also be very sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Their personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful. Often when pursuing a new hobby, interest is lost quickly--when it ceases to be engaging or fun.
2. Choleric: A choleric person is a doer, a worker. They have a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instill it in others. They will try to dominate or control people of other temperaments especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and poilitical figures were cholerics.
3. Melancholic: People with the melancholy disposition are thoughtful ponderers. They are very kind and considerate, can be highly creative, usually in poetry, art, music and can become occupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. A Melancholic is also often a perfectionist. They are often self-reliant and independent.
4. Phlegmatic: This temperament tends to be self-content and kind. They can be very accepting and affectionage. They may be very receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious and ovservant, making them good administrators and diplomats. Unlike the Saguine, they may be more dependable.
In 1983 Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno began conducting research and developing a Scripturally based therapeutic procedure that would produce effective, positive, and more immediate results with those needing guidance or counseling. Their research involved over 5000 individuals who sought counseling for depression, inter and intra personal conflict, marriage and family dysfunction and snxiety.
Drs. Arno created a temperament profile system similar to the FIRO-B questionnaire. Their analysis procedure, originally titled the Temperament Analysis Profile was recently retitled the Arno Profile System. This system reveals the hidden problems that normally take the counselor 7-8 sessions to identify. Presently, over 3000 Christian leaders, ministries and Christian counselors are using the Arno Profile System (APS for short) to aid them in their counseling efforts. It has been reported that this system supplies over 90% accuracy in identifying a person's inborn, God-given temperament.
The APS does not measure behavior; it identifies a person's God-given temperament. Who God created us to be and who we become through learned behavior can be entirely different. We create so many defense mechanisms in ourselves and over time, we cna lose our true identity and sense of being and we become someone we don't really know and sometimes don't even like! We become tangled in our struggle to find "the real me."
Drs. Arno also identified a 5th temperament over 14 years ago. This temperament they named Supine. This describes a person who is a servant and feels that he or she has little or no value. They only feel that they have value when serving others. Although they like and need people, they have a big fear of rejection.
The information that the APS gives is a pricelss tool in the hads of trained Christian counselors. First of all, it is Biblical and is an extremely important state-of-the-art convept in counseling today' hurting world. It takes only 8-10 minutes for the counselee to answer 54 questions. That may sound like a lot but the test is designed to pull out your first response to each question, which makes it so accurate.
When taking at APS, the first response is usually the most accurate answer. After the test is administered, it is electronically scored anda report is generated covering such issues as wanted love and affection, control issues, and social inclinations or how one relates to others in their world. I'd also like to mentio that only those who are certified can administer this profile system.
Over the last 5 or 6 years I have had the opportunity to use this system and can tell youthat is is highly accurate and helpful. I've been able to help people at a deeper level and have seen lives changed because I had a good tool and learned how to use it.
Temperament is something we are all born with and most of us never tak the time to get to know the "real me." Those who care to know often don't have the access to a good resource or a place to go to talk about what really matters in life. Finding out who you are is really a journey we all travel together in life. Tools such as the APS can help those seekers be successful.
What is temperament? It's a person's way of responding to the world. Aspects of personality at birth are believed to be result of genetic influence. Temperament refers to our inborn, God given personality traits, which are genetic in nature. The different ways infants interact with and react to their environment and experiences are reflective of their temperament or behavioral style. While it has been thought that temperaments are genetically determined, personalities as a whole are a combination of temperaments and experiences that shape and influence a person's development.
There are four main temperaments:
1. Sanguine: This temperament is fairly extroverted. People with this temperament tend to enjoy social gatherings and making friends. They tend to be creative and often day dream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguines can also be very sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Their personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful. Often when pursuing a new hobby, interest is lost quickly--when it ceases to be engaging or fun.
2. Choleric: A choleric person is a doer, a worker. They have a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instill it in others. They will try to dominate or control people of other temperaments especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and poilitical figures were cholerics.
3. Melancholic: People with the melancholy disposition are thoughtful ponderers. They are very kind and considerate, can be highly creative, usually in poetry, art, music and can become occupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. A Melancholic is also often a perfectionist. They are often self-reliant and independent.
4. Phlegmatic: This temperament tends to be self-content and kind. They can be very accepting and affectionage. They may be very receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious and ovservant, making them good administrators and diplomats. Unlike the Saguine, they may be more dependable.
In 1983 Drs. Richard and Phyllis Arno began conducting research and developing a Scripturally based therapeutic procedure that would produce effective, positive, and more immediate results with those needing guidance or counseling. Their research involved over 5000 individuals who sought counseling for depression, inter and intra personal conflict, marriage and family dysfunction and snxiety.
Drs. Arno created a temperament profile system similar to the FIRO-B questionnaire. Their analysis procedure, originally titled the Temperament Analysis Profile was recently retitled the Arno Profile System. This system reveals the hidden problems that normally take the counselor 7-8 sessions to identify. Presently, over 3000 Christian leaders, ministries and Christian counselors are using the Arno Profile System (APS for short) to aid them in their counseling efforts. It has been reported that this system supplies over 90% accuracy in identifying a person's inborn, God-given temperament.
The APS does not measure behavior; it identifies a person's God-given temperament. Who God created us to be and who we become through learned behavior can be entirely different. We create so many defense mechanisms in ourselves and over time, we cna lose our true identity and sense of being and we become someone we don't really know and sometimes don't even like! We become tangled in our struggle to find "the real me."
Drs. Arno also identified a 5th temperament over 14 years ago. This temperament they named Supine. This describes a person who is a servant and feels that he or she has little or no value. They only feel that they have value when serving others. Although they like and need people, they have a big fear of rejection.
The information that the APS gives is a pricelss tool in the hads of trained Christian counselors. First of all, it is Biblical and is an extremely important state-of-the-art convept in counseling today' hurting world. It takes only 8-10 minutes for the counselee to answer 54 questions. That may sound like a lot but the test is designed to pull out your first response to each question, which makes it so accurate.
When taking at APS, the first response is usually the most accurate answer. After the test is administered, it is electronically scored anda report is generated covering such issues as wanted love and affection, control issues, and social inclinations or how one relates to others in their world. I'd also like to mentio that only those who are certified can administer this profile system.
Over the last 5 or 6 years I have had the opportunity to use this system and can tell youthat is is highly accurate and helpful. I've been able to help people at a deeper level and have seen lives changed because I had a good tool and learned how to use it.
Temperament is something we are all born with and most of us never tak the time to get to know the "real me." Those who care to know often don't have the access to a good resource or a place to go to talk about what really matters in life. Finding out who you are is really a journey we all travel together in life. Tools such as the APS can help those seekers be successful.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Third Day -- Revelation
This is one of my favorite albums. I play it all the time. It's down-to-earth, from the heart songs from people who were lost and were touched by our Savior and Lord.
Diet and Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a very painful condition that affects many people, but more often, is diagnosed in more women than men. Fibromyalgia consists of pain in certain areas throughout the body. There are 18 tender points that have been associated with this condition. These are located in the head and neck area, shoulders, upper chest, outer elbows, hips and inner knees. Most treatment for Fibromyalgia will be with medications such as pain relievers, antidepressants, physical therapy and counseling. The most important aspect is self-care.
Can what you eat affect how you feel physically? Actually, some believe it can. Some Rheumatologists believe that certain foods can trigger or escalate
the pain of Fibromyalgia. Foods like aspartame, MSG and nitrates, sugar, caffeine, yeast and gluten, dairy, and such plants as tomatoes, chili and bell peppers, potatoes and eggplant should be eliminated from the diet of one suffering from Fibromyalgia. So, where does that leave the afflicted when it comes to choosing foods and nutritional guidelines?
It was discovered that some foods tend to help the condition by easing some of the pain. These discoveries were compiled in a book entitled, "The Fibromyalgia Cookbook" that offers different substitutions and alternatives to the regular "run-of-the-mill" diet.
Living with any disease or debilitating condition can be difficult and any and everything you can find to help ease the suffering can go along way towards living life with a richer, deeper meaning.
Can what you eat affect how you feel physically? Actually, some believe it can. Some Rheumatologists believe that certain foods can trigger or escalate
the pain of Fibromyalgia. Foods like aspartame, MSG and nitrates, sugar, caffeine, yeast and gluten, dairy, and such plants as tomatoes, chili and bell peppers, potatoes and eggplant should be eliminated from the diet of one suffering from Fibromyalgia. So, where does that leave the afflicted when it comes to choosing foods and nutritional guidelines?
It was discovered that some foods tend to help the condition by easing some of the pain. These discoveries were compiled in a book entitled, "The Fibromyalgia Cookbook" that offers different substitutions and alternatives to the regular "run-of-the-mill" diet.
Living with any disease or debilitating condition can be difficult and any and everything you can find to help ease the suffering can go along way towards living life with a richer, deeper meaning.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Emotional Eating
Did you know that people who are overweight are not always overweight because of hormones being out of balance? Did you know that some people who are overweight overeat because they just don't know when to stop eating? Did you know that people who constantly eat are not always hungry (physically)?
Emotions can wreck havoc on us when we choose to keep them all inside. We stuff them down with a donut or a danish -- the list is endless -- and one day we wake up to the fact that we are just plain overweight and wonder how did it happen?
Emotional eating is no different from drinking or gambling or smoking or doing drugs. Some people use food as a drug to help relieve the emotional pain they know is there but are too afraid or too unaware to face.
When I first started to want to lose weight, I knew it wasn't all coming from the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I had to have my thyroid treated with radiation and in doing so, it killed the function of it. Even though the blood work numbers are usually in the normal range, I couldn't lose weight for anything. I knew something else was behind it so I set out to find the missing piece of the puzzle.
I came across a book, "Shrink Yourself" by Dr. Roger Gould. If you are an emotional eater and want some good advise, want to find true freedom I suggest this book. I have studied psychology subjects over the years; actually, I have a Master's Degree in Clinical Christian Counseling, so this book just helped me in order to help other people. Dr. Gould deals with the heart of the matter of why we do overeat.
This is an excellent book, an in-depth look at what makes us "tick" and how to overcome a very what-could-be deadly habit.
Emotions can wreck havoc on us when we choose to keep them all inside. We stuff them down with a donut or a danish -- the list is endless -- and one day we wake up to the fact that we are just plain overweight and wonder how did it happen?
Emotional eating is no different from drinking or gambling or smoking or doing drugs. Some people use food as a drug to help relieve the emotional pain they know is there but are too afraid or too unaware to face.
When I first started to want to lose weight, I knew it wasn't all coming from the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I had to have my thyroid treated with radiation and in doing so, it killed the function of it. Even though the blood work numbers are usually in the normal range, I couldn't lose weight for anything. I knew something else was behind it so I set out to find the missing piece of the puzzle.
I came across a book, "Shrink Yourself" by Dr. Roger Gould. If you are an emotional eater and want some good advise, want to find true freedom I suggest this book. I have studied psychology subjects over the years; actually, I have a Master's Degree in Clinical Christian Counseling, so this book just helped me in order to help other people. Dr. Gould deals with the heart of the matter of why we do overeat.
This is an excellent book, an in-depth look at what makes us "tick" and how to overcome a very what-could-be deadly habit.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Why Doesn't Everyone Love Kettlebells?
I just finished a 20 segment of the Advanced Russian Kettlebell DVD by Phil Ross. Whoa! What a workout! I'm still sweating, and I only did 20 minutes. This guy is amazing to see. You can tell he's using some extra heavy duty weight and here I am just using 5 or 8 pounds and think it's hard! Ha! Ha!
But I have found that this kind of workout, although is short and to the point so to speak, does far more for me than all the other workouts I've bought over the years. And I have a lot of DVDs! Kettlebells are, by far, my favorite kind of exercise. It's total body conditioning all in one.
This DVD had no sound although you could see he was talking. Maybe I just got a bad one, but it doesn't matter. He doesn't talk during the workout anyway and I'm too busy concentrating so I think talking or sound would probably distract me. This is a gym-type workout; it's not a fancy, dancy, girly type. Just good, down to the knitty gritty muscle endurance workout. Yeah, that's what it's all about!
I'm Talking About Temperance
Jesus came to save us. Salvation is an on-going process. Not only did He come to save, but He taught us a "higher" way of live; above the depravity of the human soul. We live in a society in which people are becoming increasingly untrustworthy, even in the church! Peter built his ministy on Jesus' words and teachings. 2 Peter 2: 5-8 shows us how to truly know our Lord. He did it by addition! He added self-control to knowledge, and to knowledge he added perseverance, etc. When the list was finished, he said it would produce fruit in your life and make you useful. He called them qualities or virtues.
Self-control or temperance means mastering one's emotions rather than being controlled by them. The false teachers whose views Peter was exposing believed that knowledge freed people from the need to control their passions. A person who exercises self-control will not easily give in to discouragement or the temptation to sin or to quit or give up. If you view all circumstances as coming from the hand of a loving Father Who is in control of all things and that the secret of perserversance is meant to bring growth, then you know the result will be temperance.
Look around. The world shows us what temperance is NOT. So what is temperance?
1. Not so simply put, temperance is the part of us that allows us to turn away from temptation. We are instructed to resist temptation. Resistance brings with it awareness. It's not something you should think about but resist immediately. The longer you wait to resist, the harder it becomes to resist and thereby lessens your chances of growing any self-control.
2. It requires a plan. Any war has strategies to combat the offender. There are times when the plan is to attack and other times to retreat. If you know you are fighting the urge to eat candy, for example, don't go down the candy aisle!
3. Temptation requires self-control to keep from sinning. But it is sneaky. It seems harmless at first. The devil deceived Eve and he's been doing it to us ever since.
4. Temperance is needed in just about everything we encounter.
a. Eating -- Proverbs 23:1-3
b. Sexual appetites -- 1 Cor. 7: 1-9
c. All things -- 1 Cor. 9: 25-27
5. Biblical self-control is not meant to be Pharisaical righteousness. Paul said that to have that type of self-control is of no value. (Col. 2: 16-23)
Temperance is the ability to discern the need verses the want when you have a craving or longing. Discernment must be developed in order for you to be able to know the difference between want and need and the wisdom to make the right choice instead of letting that emotion overpower you. Jesus said that in all things we are more than conquerors.
My Rant About Weight Loss
I love to eat out. Why? Because I hate to cook! I hate getting all that food out, cooking it, and then cleaning up all the mess. Most of the time what I cook doesn't taste as good as a restruant meal anyway. But I have discoverd why that is. Most restruants know how to keep you coming back for more. First of all, they season everything with salt and then to add insult to injury, they add fat when they cook or fry. These two ingredients are two of the most powerful ingredients to add weight onto the ole tush. I speak from experience.
When we moved to Delaware 20 some years ago and I went to work fulltime, I told my husband I wasn't going to cook much during the week and certainly not on weekends! We always did go out for breakfast on Saturday and Sunday, but then it started Friday night dinner, the Wednesday night, then the Monday night special at one restruant, and the buy one, get one free at the pizza place on Tuesday. Boy! Did I ever put on the pounds over the years. And in all honesty, I ate what they served. And if you don't know this by now, restruants overfeed you.
So then I decided to start an exercise program and away I went to wear myself out everyday. For 45 minutes each day I'd sweat and huff and puff and when I got on the scale, it would laugh. And I would cry. Years before, my doctor had diagnosed and treated me for Thyroid disease. I took medicine for years until they said the numbers weren't holding so I had to have it treated with radiation. That knocked out my thyroid and now I take a hormone replacement. I was told I would lose the weight I had gained. After all those years, I didn't lose one pound even with all the exercises.
So then I started watching what I ate. I knew there must be a way. I cut out all candy, pie, cake--desserts at the restruants, etc. No more donuts! Still no loss. I became so frustrated that I gave up. I felt that the doctors had lied to me and didn't know what they were doing.
Then I heard about the Lap Band. Well, I didn't want that and I didn't want that drastic gastric bypass. But a new procedure gave me a lot of hope. So on December 23, 2009 I had a sleeve gastrectomy. Simply put, I had half of my stomach removed surgically. I was qualified for it because I had gotten so fat, my BMI was in the risky part of the scale. This was a desparate attempt to help save my life. Really.
I don't have one regret. I feel it was the best thing I could have done for myself. As of today, I've lost 39 pounds! I feel good about myself and that is something I haven't felt in a long, long time.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Finding My Way Around Google
Now I know I'm getting old! I did this post, saved it (or so I thought) hit preview and lo and behold it wasn't there! I've been here for hours trying to learn my way around this website, doing the profile and trying to get connected to the sound of "ching, ching" if you know what I mean. I guess I'll stay till I figure that out. After all, it's Friday night and I don't have anything else to do!
I never thought I'd ever be doing something like a thing called blogging. I wonder how that got its name? Anyway, here I am doing it, too and I find it is a lot of fun. I'll be getting into more of what's been on my mind as soon as I get the hang of how this here works.
Catch ya later!
I never thought I'd ever be doing something like a thing called blogging. I wonder how that got its name? Anyway, here I am doing it, too and I find it is a lot of fun. I'll be getting into more of what's been on my mind as soon as I get the hang of how this here works.
Catch ya later!
Finding My Way Around Google
I must be getting old! I've been here at this computer for hours trying to figure out how to do all this stuff. That Adsense things got me all messed up. I don't know if I did that right or not. I feel like it takes more sense than what I got to get that up and running! Well, I'll keep trying 'cause I want to figure out how to get that sound of "ching, ching" on the web. You know what I'm asaying?
Howdy out there! Welcome to my first blog. I had so many ideas and then when I sat down to write it seemed I didn't know where to start, or what to start with first. So many ideas.
I was born in Pennsylvania but have lived in Delaware for over 20 years. I have spent the last few years studying counseling courses in order to try to understand why people act the way they do! So, my blog will probably reflect a lot of what I've learned about behavior.
I am also an ordained minister, but don't let that frighten you off. I don't preach hell and fire and brimstone--I don't even know if I spelled it right! But I do study the Bible and like to relate what I've learned and how to apply it to my daily living. If you can learn from that, well, you'll do fine.
I've worked at a VA hospital for over 12 years. I was an X-ray tech for over 20 but got hurt pretty bad one night on the job and the doctor wouldn't let me go back to all that lifting and pushing because of how it messed up my neck and arms so I work as a clerk in one of the clinics. It's okay, but I look forward to retirement in about 3 years.
I have two daughters and 4 grandchildren and will probably talk about them, too. So for now, I'll just start planning on what I'm going to do with this now that I've gotten started.
I was born in Pennsylvania but have lived in Delaware for over 20 years. I have spent the last few years studying counseling courses in order to try to understand why people act the way they do! So, my blog will probably reflect a lot of what I've learned about behavior.
I am also an ordained minister, but don't let that frighten you off. I don't preach hell and fire and brimstone--I don't even know if I spelled it right! But I do study the Bible and like to relate what I've learned and how to apply it to my daily living. If you can learn from that, well, you'll do fine.
I've worked at a VA hospital for over 12 years. I was an X-ray tech for over 20 but got hurt pretty bad one night on the job and the doctor wouldn't let me go back to all that lifting and pushing because of how it messed up my neck and arms so I work as a clerk in one of the clinics. It's okay, but I look forward to retirement in about 3 years.
I have two daughters and 4 grandchildren and will probably talk about them, too. So for now, I'll just start planning on what I'm going to do with this now that I've gotten started.
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